My Dear Rose...
My every waking moment, you entice my thoughts with sweet words and deeds. Hearing your voice brings peaceful comfort and a smile to my face at the mere thought of you. My heart beats for you alone, my darling!
When our eyes locked for the very first time, you rendered me breathless. Now, with the same intense gaze, passionate warmth envelops my heart.
As each moment passes us by, I feel myself drawn more closely to you. The memories we have shared thus far encompass only the beginning as many more will come.
My heart soars blissfully when I am with you. In your absence, I close my eyes and dream of your close embrace, our fingers intertwined and your soft lips pressed against mine.
Sweetheart, everything about you takes my breath away.
Body, Mind, Heart and Soul -
With you I am truly Whole.
I love you. 


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